Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Encouraging Facts about Free Dating Sites

Just the other day, I read an interesting report on ‘free dating sites’. It talked about a recent survey conducted on the burgeoning popularity of free online dating sites in Canada. According to the survey, every 4 out of 10 single men between the ages of 24 to 50 have set up their profile on free dating sites. I have never known online dating could be so popular among single men in Canada, so this it was an interesting fact for me.

The report also indicate that even though singles are trying their luck in free dating sites, few would confess this fact, or disclose the free dating sites they are associated with. Probably, the so-called stigma of being attached to online dating sites still exists among the single men. However, the good news is that the odds are still in your favor if you are looking for a prospective partner via free dating sites.

Are you a single woman and still thinking to join one of those free dating sites? Then you better hurry up! According to the statistics of this survey, about
fifty per cent of single men users of free dating sites try to establish relationship with someone they first make contact with. It’s like fishing in a pond teeming with fishes. You are more likely to succeed at your online dating expedition if you are an active member of free dating sites. If these statistics are encouraging enough for you, take a look this – about seventy per cent of the male members at free dating sites are worried about how to make their profiles attractive enough so that they can improve their chances of meeting the best females. It is no longer a secret that a good-looking picture increases your probability to get good hits from others members. Over sixty per cent of the single male users at free dating sites try to upload their photos onto their profiles so that they can attract most good-looking women to visit their profiles.

I’m 25-year old, single woman looking for a partner via free dating sites. After reading this report, I have decided to join a few free dating sites. What about you?


  1. More singles choose online dating and free dating websites as their preferred method of finding a dating match than any other, due to the fact that these singles dating sites offer a huge reassurance. Coupled with the added benefits of long-term communication before ever meeting your date and not having to leave home; online dating can fit into everyone’s lifestyles.

  2. Dating online can be a fun experience if you choose the right dating portal.wish you good luck for all your best efforts..
    free online dating site
